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Scholarships at CMB

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

For the last 10 years, CMB has launched a scholarship program that sponsors suitable candidates with the hope of them returning to work in the institution. This program is strengthened by the donations of our supporters. To date, we have two specialists who have been trained through this program that are now serving the hospital. And two others who are in training: a nurse in anesthesiology and a physician in traumatology.

Dr. V. Ductan, a surgeon from this program, has been providing services at CMB for the last year and a half. His presence brings a long-awaited solution--the continual presence of a surgeon in the Northwest. For more than 25 years we had only Dr. M. Chérubin as surgeon; and in his absence, the coverage of this service has been always difficult.

We are thankful to all of you who support this program and allow CMB to invest in those who will continue with the mission of this wonderful hospital.


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