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Rosemond, our longest-serving employee

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

CMB employee, Rosemond Fleur-Aime (Frè Roro), recently celebrated his retirement with the accolade of being our longest-serving employee. Amazingly, Rosemond has worked at the hospital for 48 years (1974- 2022).

He remembers working on his farm when Doctor (as Dr. Orius Paultre was called) sent word that he had a job for him at the then-dispensary. He started as a watchman for one of the hospital campuses then worked his way up to become head of security when that department was formed.

“I love my work at CMB. I always encourage my men to take their work seriously because our job is important. It also comes with its risks because people don’t want to follow rules and get mad when you try enforce them. But you must know when to say no and stand your ground. My advice for the younger men: Do your work well. Be on time. Respect your elders.”

Forty eight years (48) is an incredibly rare length of service and we made sure that his loyal and dedicated service was recognized. He is pictured on his final day being congratulated by the Leadership Council, fellow security guards, and other staff members.

We wish Frè Roro all the best in his retirement as he plans to spend more time at home with his wife who also worked as caregiver at House of Hope. Frè Roro looks forward to spending more time tending his gardens. He is also hoping to be able to travel more to go see his kids in the Bahamas.

Well done and congratulations, Frè Roro!


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